New Super Mario Bros. Wii: World 666

I used to love playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Sadly, while moving out of my parents' house, I lost it. So, I decided to look for a copy on E-bay.
I found a used copy for 5 dollars, which is really cheap, so I bought it. A couple weeks later, I received a package, which I cut open. Inside was the New Super Mario Bros. Wii case, except the cover was missing and there was a piece of duct tape reading "Mario Wii".
I thought this was a bit strange, but just thought the owner lost the cover. I put the disc into my Wii and began to play. The title screen was normal and I pressed start. I played for a couple hours and beat the game.
It was very fun and exciting to play the game. It brought back a lot of good memories.
Well, that was until I received a message from the game, saying that I unlocked an extra world. I had never beaten the game before, so I assumed this was normal.
I pressed ok and was transported to a new world called World 666. I was a bit frightened by this, but just brushed it off as the seller trying to spook me.
I pressed start on the first level and started playing. The level looked like hell. It had a red, rocky ground with pits of fire. The enemies were flying demons. The demons were a bit difficult to defeat than the normal enemies.
They would kill you instantly, even if you have a mushroom or a power up.
After beating the first level, I went on with the next few levels.
I had finally beat all of the levels and made it to the final level, which was extremely difficult than the others, but I managed to beat it anyway.
I made it to the boss battle, which was the devil.
A message popped up saying, "You made it so far, but this is where it ends. Burn in hell."
The devil impaled Mario with his sharp claws. Realistic guts spewing everywhere and the sharp claws coming out of Mario's back. Mario began screaming and it was extremely loud, so I covered my ears.
The devil suddenly pulled his sharp claws out of the red plumber and Mario fell down, dead. He then threw the dead plumber into the fire, burning him to dust.
One last message appeared:
"Mario is dead. You are next, Scott."
Okay, how the hell did this game know my name?
My Wii then shut off by itself.
I turned it back on and went back to the game to find my game file was erased.
Never again will I play any Mario game.
This is a warning to people out there.
If you find an extra world in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, DON'T PLAY IT!


Ever since I experienced that demonic extra world in that damned copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I threw it in the trash. I haven't seen it since that day.
I tried contacting the seller to no avail. It said his account never existed.
Nonetheless, I had tried to get my mind off it.
My birthday was recently and we had a big party in celebrate of it. I had gotten a lot of gifts, including a Nintendo Switch and games like Splatoon 2, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, and a few others.
One game stuck out like a sore thumb though. It was a blank case with a piece of duct tape reading "Mario Wii". Indeed, it was the same game I had threw out a couple months ago.
I asked my mother about it and she said she had found it in a GameStop.
How the hell did it get there? I threw it out.
For some reason, I felt an urge to play it. I don't know why. It felt like a sinister presence was controlling me and making me play it.
I had gotten out my Wii and put the disc in.
I selected the game on the main menu and instead of the normal picture that shows up when you select the game, it showed Mario as a skeleton.
He still had his trademark red cap, clothes, and overalls, though they were burned a bit, probably from the fire of the hell world from last time. He also still had a bloody hole in his chest with his guts spewing out. His eyes were black with glowing white dots.
Also, instead of the logo reading "New Super Mario Bros. Wii", it read, "New Super Satan Bros. 666". And Mario's voice reading it was demonic and distorted.
The title screen was also different. The yellow and blue toads were replaced by demons and Mario was like how he was on the picture. They were chasing after Luigi, who had a frightened look on his face. The logo was also the same as it was in the picture.
The place they were chasing Luigi in was hell.
I didn't want to play, but that same presence was controlling me and made me push start.
I picked a save file and the game begun.
A cutscene started, showing Luigi just walking through a grassy field with a blue sky and normal scenery from the game.
I was a bit more calm now.
But then, Luigi saw Mario with a grin, standing by a pipe. Mario then proceeded to jump in, as Luigi followed after him. Luigi was warped into hell and became afraid, calling out for his brother.
I was then loaded to the fimilar World 666 map. I pressed start on the first level and started playing.
It was the same first level from last time. As soon as I reached the flagpole and beat the level, I saw the skeleton Mario with Peach next to him, tied up with a rope. There was a pit of lava right beside them.
Skeleton Mario began laughing in his demonic, distorted voice and pushed Peach into the lava, as she began to scream as she burned alive.
Luigi could do nothing but watch.
After Peach died, Skeleton Mario resurrected her as a skeleton monster like himself. Her dress was torn and she had the same black eyes with glowing white dots like him.
A text box appeared saying in dark red letters, "Get ready for this, Luigi!"
Peach then tried to attack Luigi, but lucklily there was one of those question mark boxes and I hit it, producing a fire flower. Luigi grabbed it and threw a fire ball at Skeleton Peach. She instantly went on fire and died, screeching loudly as she did.
Luigi then fell down and sobbed, as the level ended.
I played the next few levels, until I reached a castle level.
It was the standard castle level, except with fire pits and skeleton toads, which you could kill by jumping on, like the normal Dry Bones enemy, except these skeleton toads exploded in a bloody mess. Some of the blood even got on Luigi, staining his fire flower outfit with crimson blood.
The gaps in the floor with fire were really large, so I had to get a running start to leap over them, and believe me, it wasn't easy.
The rest of the level was pretty Kaizo Mario-ish, but not impossible. I had played those hacks many times before, so I was prepared for stuff like this.
I finally reached the boss door and entered it. Inside was Skeleton Mario. He laughed evilly and then the fight began. He was pretty tough, even harder than normal Mario bosses.
He had a certain pattern, where he would chase you. He was really fast. I kept trying, but released this was impossible. Every time I tried to attack him, he would teleport somewhere else in the boss room.
Luigi then got tired and fell down, crying. I couldn't control him anymore. He just laid there, sobbing uncontrollably.
Mario stared down at him and then grew into a giant monster with sharp teeth and claws. He bit Luigi's head off with blood spraying from where his head used to be.
The green plumber's body fell down, limp and dead.
Mario then looked at the screen and said, "How pathetic."
He ressurected Luigi as a headless corpse with a dark black ghost head with big, white glowing eyes.
The game over screen came up, but instead of "Game Over", it was "The End".
That was it. I ejected the disc and burnt it.
I hoped to god that it would never come back this time.
It's been 3 months since this incident and I have not seen the disc in a very long time.
I'm glad this madness is finally over.